Embrace the Suck: The RNWY Guide to Running in Cold Weather

Embrace the Suck: The RNWY Guide to Running in Cold Weather

Embrace the Suck: The RNWY Guide to Running in Cold Weather

We’re in the thick of it now: deepest, darkest winter. It’s cold out there, it’s icy, and motivation for today’s run is low. To help you stick to your plan at the coldest time of the year, the RNWY crew has been brainstorming our own tips and tricks for beating the winter running blues.

First thing’s first: warm up

Cold weather means colder muscles, joints, and tendons. Making sure you start every workout with 5-10 minutes of warming up will help prevent injury … and make those first few miles suck a little less. Kick your session off with some running drills (high knee kicks, leg swings, skips), dynamic stretching, a few jumping jacks or lunges. And if you’re really not feeling it, just start with a brisk walk. Anything to ease you in will help warm up

Get the fit right … and layer up

This one depends on where you live and your personal preference. You might be used to a singlet and shorts in the summer, but the winter calls for layers. Start with a base layer – light, soft material that wicks away sweat from your body. A mid layer, like a fleece or a gilet should provide some insulation, while your outer layer should be windproof, waterproof, and breathable. Yes, you’ll warm up soon enough, so make sure you can remove layers easily if necessary, and carry them or tie them around your waist for a comfortable run. 

Protect the extremities

When you’re exercising hard, your body redirects blood to the muscles that need it the most. For runners, that’s the calves, quads, . As a result, your extremities, like your fingers and toes receive less blood flow and can get cold quickly. Wear a solid pair of gloves and warm socks,  and don’t forget your beanie. There’s nothing worse than cold ears on a run, is there?

Hydrate properly 

In the summer months, it’s obvious when you’re not properly hydrated. You sweat buckets, you’re parched, and every mile feels like a struggle. But hydration is just as important in the winter months, especially as your thirst response is less active. It’s possible to get dehydrated in the cold without even realizing it. Make sure you’re hydrating properly before those winter runs – RNWY Foundation is your daily hydration partner.

Safety first

For a lot of us, running in the winter means running in darkness. We’ve got jobs, kids, lives and commitments, so those early morning or late evening runs can become unavoidable. If you find yourself out running in the dark, be sensible about it. Invest in a reliable headtorch. Wear reflective clothing, and don’t dress in black from head to toe. It’s as much about making yourself be seen, as seeing what’s in front of you. 

Plan your route

If you’re not used to running in the cold, you might find yourself needing to turn back home earlier on your route than usual. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, icy pavements, or a turn in the weather, winter running calls for flexibility. Plan a route that has multiple options for turning back, and try and avoid a 10-mile out-and-back in the wilderness. Make sure there’s a convenience store or two along the way, and maybe even a coffee shop if things really go south. The last thing you want is to be stuck in the cold, miles from home, with no option other than carrying on.

Team up, team up

We do better together. Those winter runs are a lot less painful when we’ve got someone to share the suck with. Schedule some runs with a friend of similar fitness, or join a local run club to get some social miles in. It’ll keep you accountable, and keep you moving even when you really, really don’t want to.

Allow yourself flexibility in your training

So you missed your run today? So what? You’ll make it up. You always do. There’s no point beating yourself up at this time of year when things don’t go to plan – it’s hard enough with the shorter days and lack of sunlight. Be flexible. Things won’t always go to plan. It’s not the end of the world, and one or two missed runs won’t make much of a dent on your fitness. 

When all else fails, head indoors

Yes, gyms in January are their own form of hell. But they offer an alternative to the cold and dark of deepest winter. You don’t need to be pounding out a 10-mile PB on the treadmill. Use the opportunity to incorporate some strength training into your routine, and jump on the bike or elliptical to keep your cardio up. 

Prioritize your recovery

Cold weather running can cause more damage to your muscles than usual, and make recovery take longer. Indulge yourself. Hit the sauna, then jump in an ice bath (if you have the luxury). Hydrate properly after your session, and make sure you’re getting enough protein in your diet as well as carbs for proper refueling and muscle rebuilding. Book a massage. And if all of the above are out of reach, grab that foam roller and go to town.

Remember why you’re doing this. It will pay off.

If you’re out there in the depths of winter, you’re probably not doing it for the joy of the experience. You’re in training. Whether you’ve got a spring marathon on the calendar or you’re just trying to keep your base up in the off-season, the hard work you put in now will pay dividends come the spring. Running is a long game. Keep your eyes on the goal, and the rewards will come.
Support your winter running routine with RNWY Foundation: Our blend of collagen and electrolytes is designed to support your whole joint system, provide hydration when you need it, and reduce recovery times. One serving daily is all you need.
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