Is Fermentation the Future of Athletic Protein?
Since we first imagined our Complete Protein product at RNWY, we knew we wanted to offer something more than the other protein supplements out there on grocery store shelves. Diets are evolving, and animal-derived whey protein isn’t for everyone. Not to mention the dreaded dairy factor – whey can cause gas, bloating, and discomfort. But then pea protein, the usual plant-based alternative, doesn’t quite pack the punch of its whey counterparts.
So what’s the solution?
After many, many hours and days in the lab, and research meetings with people much cleverer than us, we stumbled across YESTEIN®. It’s something called fermented nutritional yeast protein, and in clinical trials, it’s been shown to be almost as effective as whey in building muscle and supporting recovery, without the negative effects of dairy.
What is fermented nutritional yeast protein?
We’ll admit, for an athlete’s protein, it starts out in an unexpected form. Fermented nutritional yeast protein starts its life as baker’s yeast, which itself is a by-product of the beer industry. Usually, this goes to waste. But with YESTEIN®, it’s repurposed into something useful.
What does the evidence tell us about YESTEIN®?
We wouldn’t be using something in our products if it hasn’t been rigorously tested and its effects studied in controlled conditions. Fortunately, YESTEIN® has undergone a range of scientific tests, and been a part of studies that show the following:
YESTEIN® yeast protein is as effective as whey protein in improving lean mass and strength, especially in those with low dietary protein
YESTEIN® is a slow digesting protein, good for supporting muscular recovery and reducing muscle fatigue/loss.
YESTEIN® increases satiety and provides a continuous & steady supply of amino acids.
YESTEIN® is rich in complete Essential Amino Acids like lysine, isoleucine, leucine, and valine
YESTEIN® is high in branched chain amino acids, which when broken down, are converted into glucose. This helps prevent muscle loss and promotes muscle recovery after exercise
YESTEIN® increases the digestion and absorption rate of proteins when used as a complimentary protein in blends